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While millions of Americans continue to resist Trump’s radical agenda in the streets, Kamala is back in California this week to discuss the future of our resistance movement with immigrants, refugees, and activists.

So we thought this would be a good time to check in on your priorities and concerns for the coming weeks and months ahead. We’ll be sending the results to Kamala later in the week.

If you can spare a few moments today to give us your feedback, it will be immensely helpful in informing Kamala’s work going forward.

can we count on you to take Kamala’s issue survey today?


So much of the progress we’ve made on civil rights, equality, and justice is under attack by this administration. We are the last line of defense for the most vulnerable and voiceless in our society.

Keep fighting. Keep calling. Keep marching. Your action is making a difference.

Thanks for everything,

Team Kamala