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Trump’s disgraceful appearance at yesterday’s press conference with Vladimir Putin made clear that this president is unwilling to protect America from hostile foreign powers.

The American president is supposed to be in charge of protecting our country — and yesterday, Donald Trump failed to stand up for American democracy. If there was ever a time to have a check on this president, it’s now.

Time and time again, U.S. intelligence agencies have confirmed that Russia interfered in our country’s elections in 2016. Yet Trump continues to side with the Russian dictator over the dedicated members of our intelligence agencies.

At no point in our history has an American president so blatantly failed to stand up to a hostile foreign power on our nation’s behalf. Not only did Trump let Putin off the hook for attacking our country, he effectively invited him to continue meddling in our democratic process by refusing to demand that Russia stay out of our elections.

The best way to prevent further attacks on our democracy is by electing Democrats who will take this threat seriously and provide a check on Trump’s authority. This November is our chance to do that, so I’m asking:

Thank you for joining this fight.

Xochitl Hinojosa
Communications Director
Democratic National Committee

P.S. Even John McCain called Trump’s appearance with Putin “one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.” None of this is normal.