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Jeff Bleich for Lieutenant Governor 2018 FPPC # 1396288

The only way we’ll be able to stop tragic mass shootings like the one in Parkland, Florida earlier this week, is by electing leaders who aren’t afraid to take on the NRA and fight for comprehensive gun reform.

For the past two decades I’ve worked to combat gun violence. Following the Columbine shootings, President Bill Clinton asked me to lead his White House Youth Violence Commission.

And after the Pulse nightclub shooting, I joined a coalition of attorneys who provide free legal services to fight the gun lobby.

We have the highest youth violence rate in the developed world for one sad reason only — the lack of courage by our leaders to adopt sensible policies that work everywhere else.

Join with me in signing Gabby Giffords’s pledge to #VoteCourage in November by supporting candidates who will stand up to the gun lobby and take action to make our communities safer.

Jeff Bleich