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We can’t sit around and wait for Trump to budge

TJ Cox for Congress

Roughly 800,000 federal workers received their paychecks in the mail this week. Unfortunately, all those checks read “$0.00” because of Trump’s shutdown.

The average federal worker just missed $5,000 in wages. That’s a devastating blow to so many who are now worrying about how to pay rent and put food on the table. It’s totally unacceptable. That’s why today I introduced my very first piece of legislation in Congress: The Financial Relief for Federal Employees Act.

This bill requires the government to provide immediate, zero-interest relief loans to federal employees who are going without pay. That way they get the funds they need to pay for basic expenses right way.

Over 70 of my colleagues in the House joined as cosponsors of this bill, but we need more. Michael, help me send a message that we need this legislation passed:

Sign the petition: Tell Congress to pass the Financial Relief for Federal Employees Act right away. We can’t let this situation spiral out of control.

Here’s the truth: 80% of American workers live paycheck to paycheck. And hundreds of thousands across the country have just had one of those checks taken from them — and to no fault of their own.

We can’t sit around and wait for Trump to budge on this shutdown while dedicated workers face financial crises at home. We have to do something and it has got to be quick:

Use this link to tell Congress to pass the Financial Relief for Federal Employees Act. I can’t stress how important it is to join me in this fight.

Thank you,

TJ Cox

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