Over 1,000 people added their names to Eric’s letter to Governor Brown urging him to sign SB 17 into law – an amazing show of support for this urgent legislation that will prevent greedy pharmaceutical executives like Martin Shkreli from suddenly raising the price of live-saving prescription drugs with no warning. The pharmaceutical companies fought this bill tooth and nail – let’s make our voices heard on behalf of California’s patients and caregivers. Don’t miss your chance to add your name to our letter formally asking Governor Brown to sign this vital CDP-Endorsed consumer and patient protection legislation.
–John Vigna, CDP Communications Director
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The Hon. Edmund G. Brown,
Governor, State of California
State Capitol, Sacramento CA
Dear Governor Brown,
We, the undersigned members of the California Democratic Party, respectfully request your signature on the vital consumer and patient protection legislation, Senate Bill 17 by Sen. Ed Hernandez. This legislation was endorsed as an urgent priority of the California Democratic Party at our recent Executive Board Meeting.
Grassroots Democrats are united in our belief that prescription drug prices are too high. We are also deeply concerned by the fact that pharmaceuticals are uniquely susceptible to predatory price manipulation, a practice made infamous by Mylan Pharmaceuticals, which raised the price of the EpiPen used by people with life-threatening allergies by 500%, and by Martin Shkreli—the monstrous former pharmaceutical company CEO who raised the price of a lifesaving medication from $56 to $750 per pill with zero warning to patients and healthcare providers.
Price spiking in pharmaceuticals is the basest kind of extortion imaginable. Prescription drugs are already a burdensome expense for many people; gouging the prices of lifesaving drugs will undeniably bankrupt some people and kill others. SB 17 will require pharmaceutical companies to give advance notice of price hikes—which gives consumer groups, patient advocates and government regulators time to mobilize and organize against unjust and predatory price manipulation.
Patients—especially those with chronic conditions—need medication whose price is stable, predictable and affordable. And consumers deserve to have strong protections in law against unscrupulous, predatory business practices. To reiterate, this legislation is an urgent priority for the California Democratic Party.
For these reasons, we respectfully request you sign SB 17 into law.
Democratically Yours,
Eric C. Bauman, R.N., Chair
California Democratic Party
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