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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.

For years, the district I represent in the Central Valley was considered a Republican stronghold.


In a moment, I’m going to ask you to make a donation to my campaign. But I hope you’ll let me explain why your donation is so important — especially today.

For years, the district I represent in the Central Valley was considered a Republican stronghold. And for years, special interests knew they could count on a reliable rubber stamp to repeal the Affordable Care Act, placate Big Oil, and give unfair tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy. In 2018, we changed that.

Our win was a huge upset, but what’s more important is how we did it. Unlike my opponent, we rejected all corporate PAC money and relied on grassroots support to win the closest race in the state by just 862 votes.

Here’s the truth: The Republicans think our win was a fluke, and they’re betting we won’t have the same energy in 2020. That’s why they have listed me as one of their top targets, and we just got word that my previous opponent former Rep. David Valadao is seriously considering a rematch against me.

They’re working overtime to restore their stronghold in our community. We can’t let that happen. So here’s the part where I ask:

Can you make a $10 donation to my campaign today? Your contribution today will send a strong message that we’re as fired up as ever to protect our House victory and advance our shared values in Congress.

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I’m proud of how we’re funding our race. It means we can push forward on our values without interference from special interests.

Yes, our race will be tougher to win. But with early support from folks like you, we can truly change how things are done in Washington. That’s what this fight is about.

Thanks in advance for chipping in.

TJ Cox





Paid for by TJ Cox for Congress