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Friend — 
This is Zach Graumann, Andrew’s campaign manager. I’ve been working with Andrew since the early days when we operated out of an apartment. We knew we had a real shot to win this election then. Today, thanks to you, we’re more confident than ever.
Last week, Andrew emailed you about our new goal of raising $3.5 million by the next FEC reporting deadline on June 30th. This goal is everything. And before I ask you to donate to help us hit it—I’m writing today to tell you why.
To date, our campaign has outperformed at every level:
They told us we were a longer than longshot. Then, we were one of the first Democrats to qualify for the debate stage with 65,000 donors.
They told us we were just an internet fad, but we started drawing some of the largest crowds in the race.
They told us we were a fringe candidate that could never compete in such a crowded field, yet we’ve cracked 3% polling in NH and SC.
So how do we continue to outperform?
Well, like our candidate, our team is full of entrepreneurs and operators, and we have a plan.
Our plan is to show exponential growth in Q2 and create a dark-horse narrative that shows Andrew can actually win this whole election.
This is where you come in. We need your help to fund this narrative.
We raised $1.7 million in the first quarter. All from people like you. And with your help, we’re going to double that to $3.5 million in the second quarter.
When we succeed, imagine the headlines:
“2020 candidate Andrew Yang DOUBLES his Q1 fundraising with $3.5M haul”
“Political newcomer Andrew Yang raises $3.5M — and threatens to upend 2020 Democratic race”
“Yang emerges as potential dark horse with $3.5M fundraising haul”
“Andrew Yang raises $3.5M in Q2—DOUBLE what he raised in Q1. Could he surprise the field and win the nomination?”
That is the narrative we must create. We must show we can build the warchest necessary to compete against the top tier—and that we intend to win. That is what we need your help with. We’ve already raised $1,153,862 so far—we have just under $2.4 million more to go before June 30th.

Our New Goal: Raise $3.5M by June 30th

My promise to you as campaign manager is that we will do our part and run the most efficient, scrappy, and innovative campaign in election history. Other candidates will raise tens of millions and waste it on bad advertisements and political consultants. Give us $3.5 million this quarter and we will contend.
So this is the plan. We will not hide from the plan, we will own it, and we even have a new progress bar on the website for the world to see.

Andrew Yang's New Progress Bar

If everyone on this email list donates $20 today, we will hit the goal right away. This is our moment, Yang Gang. Can you step up today and give $20 to create our dark horse narrative?
Thank you all for what you’ve done so far. Our team will be working day and night to reach this goal. Let’s be the dark horse of 2020.
Humanity First,




Can you make a donation today? 

Most of our donations come from people like you chipping in small amounts when they can. Your continued generosity helps us invest in people. 

Join the Yang Gang! 

If you’d like to volunteer to help with grassroots organizing, please fill out an organizer application here and someone from our team will reach out. 


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Paid for by Friends of Andrew Yang. 

All rights reserved. 
New York, NY 