The California Democratic Party (CDP) adopts a platform every two years. The Party’s current platform was adopted at the annual California Democrats State Convention in 2016. The CDP Platform Committee is currently working on drafting our new platform, which will be considered and adopted at the California Democrats State Convention in 2018.
As such, we would like to make sure that you are aware of the CDP platform drafting process and welcome your participation in the process.
CDP Platform Committee Webpage and Submitting Written Testimony
The CDP Platform Committee webpage is accessible at The webpage includes key information, such as a committee calendar of key dates, Committee members, and a written testimony submission form.
Platform written testimony and language proposals can be submitted online on the CDP Platform Committee webpage. Please note that all testimony must be submitted in writing to the CDP Platform Committee. The deadline to submit written testimony is Friday, November 17, 2017, at 5 PM.
CDP Platform Committee Hearings
The CDP Platform Committee holds three statewide hearings (Northern California, Central Valley, and Southern California) and regional hearings throughout the state. Regional hearings are held in conjunction with CDP Regional Meetings. These hearings will take place prior to the November 2017 CDP Executive Meeting, scheduled for November 17-19, 2017.
The first statewide hearing was in Anaheim in August. The next statewide hearing will be held in Northern California. The information is as follows:
Subject: CDP Platform Committee Northern Statewide Hearing
Date: Saturday, September 23, 2017
Time: 10 AM-12 PM
Location: California Democratic Party Headquarters
Address: 1830 9th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811
Note: For more information, visit:
For the first time ever, the CDP Platform Committee is incorporating remote testimony. If you are unable to attend the Hearing in person, we will be accepting testimony using — available for free on iOS, Android, Mac, or PC.
Alternatively, you can connect by phone at (646) 558-8656, Meeting ID 943 330 644.
Information on additional hearings will be available soon and made available on the CDP website.
Democratically Yours,
Clark Lee, Political Director
California Democratic Party