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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.


TULSI 2020


Friend —We’re close to hitting our 105k donor goal for this week! Will you be one of the 2,000 people who gets us to our goal? Click here to chip in now. This isn’t just about our weekly goal — it’s about ensuring Tulsi gets to the third debate stage in September!



Help us hit 105k donors this week


Friend —

It’s confirmed! Tulsi will be in the next debates, on July 31 in Detroit. 

This second debate will be another critical moment for our campaign. We have a little known candidate from Hawaii who has been either shut out or smeared by the mainstream media. 

Going directly to the people through moments like the debate are so important. So to ensure Tulsi makes it onstage in the thirddebate in September, we need to step up our game. That’s why we’re setting a goal of reaching 5,000 new donors every week until August 28.

Click here to keep Tulsi on pace to make it to the September debates — starting with reaching 105k donors by the end of this weekend. Any size donation helps!

If you’ve saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your contribution will be processed immediately:


Without Tulsi’s voice onstage in future debates, there won’t be anyone calling for America to drop our addiction to interventionist regime change wars and wars for oil. There won’t be a candidate to speak from personal experience as both a combat veteran and a foreign policy maker about ending the failed policy of being the world’s police and working to end the new Cold War and nuclear arms race. No one will be talking about the trillions of dollars we’ve spent on war since 2004 and what that money could be doing — providing healthcare, rebuilding crumbling infrastructure, investing in green technologies, improving education — to meet the needs of the American people.

We know you’ll be with us in meeting the urgency of this deadline. Last week, we set an audacious goal of reaching 100k donors — and we reached it! We’re going to keep up the momentum by aiming to reach 5,000 new donors every week until we hit our 130k donor goal.

Your help is vital. Chip in any amount — $25, $10 or $5 — to help us reach out weekly new donor goal and keep Tulsi on track to qualify for the September debates.




PO Box 75255 Kapolei HI 96707

The truth is that email is one of the most important tools we have to update supporters like you. It is one way we come together as a community of progressives to make change in this world. Finally, if you believe we need to end the culture of corruption and greed in Washington, then now is the time to make a contribution to TULSI 2020. If you’d like to make a recurring contribution to TULSI 2020, please click here.