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Election Day 2018 is exactly one year from to‌day.

With all that’s at stake for our state and our nation, our organizers are already working hard to take back the House, beat back Trump’s agenda of hate, and make sure California continues to lead the way.

But to keep up the fight and ensure California Democrats are victorious in 2018, we need to know we’ve got your support — to‌day, and every day until No‌vember 6‌, 20‌18.

The best way to do that is by joining our DEM2018 program and committing to make a small, monthly contribution every month until we win.

Will you join DEM2018 today and be a part of our Party’s blue wave by Donating Every Month between now and the 2018 Election?

Over the last four election cycles, over 3,000 Democrats have stepped up to make our Party’s grassroots a million-dollar donor and lay the groundwork for our victories by Donating Every Month.

To continue pushing our candidates across the finish line in 2018 and to fight back — and win — against Trump and his congressional clones, we’re counting on you being a part of this team, Michael.

Be a part of our Party’s blue wave by Donating Every Month between now and the 2018 Election.

Thank you for being a key part of our team.

Dan Weitzman, Controller
California Democratic Party