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Dear Friend,

With just 1 week before Election Day our race could not be closer.

Your support has allowed us to run a people powered campaign to represent all Californians, not just the wealthy millionaires and billionaires.

Can I get your help to keep our message on the air through the last week?

Our campaign is working every day to reach as many voters across the state as possible, and every dollar helps our final push to November 6th!

The latest polling had 42% of voters undecided in the Lieutenant Governors race. With your help we can get our message out to every voter.

Thank you for your continued support!

Let’s finish strong together!

Dr. Ed

P.S. – Here’s a few more things you can do:

  • Spread the word on social media! Here are a few sample posts you can copy.
  • Twitter: “I support @DrEdHernandez for Lt. Governor. He has the experience and courage to keep fighting for working Californians.”
  • Facebook: “On November 6, I’m voting for @Dr. Ed Hernandez for Lt. Governor. He will keep our families first, not corporate interests. Learn more about him at
  • Share the most recent video – Choice: Ed Hernandez for Lieutenant Governor.
  • Show your support by sharing these images on your accounts.
  • Print this sign and place it in your home or business window.
  • Forward this email to your friends and family!
  • Send this email to your email list or text them about the campaign.
  • They can learn more if they visit

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Ed Hernandez for Lt. Gov 2018

1217 10th St

Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-6021

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Paid for by Ed Hernandez for Lt. Gov 2018.
FPPC # 1374488