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A handshake at a time; an email at a time; one dollar at a time.

Please contribute $1 to make the DNC requirement of at least $1 from each of 130,000 unique donors in order to be permitted to mount the fall Democratic Presidential Debate stage.

Contribute $1


Then someone will be there to discuss and understand China, Iran, Korea, Russia, the need for an international response to climate change, challenging autocrats, nuclear and chemical arms control, cyber warfare, international refugees, world trade through the WTO, protecting the dollar as the world’s currency, international human rights and human trafficking, loss of US command of the seas in the Western Pacific, outsourcing of national security by corporations with China’s virtual monopoly on manufacturing tech (at times embed with damaging software/hardware), convening allies and friends, and all the other challenges we face.



Contribute $1


Thank you,
Joe Sestak


Come on board.  We encourage you to visit our website
and get involved in these challenging and wonderful times.


  Paid for by Joe Sestak for President.

Joe Sestak
P.O Box 17246
Alexandria, VA 22302
United States