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Urge your members of Congress to demand an independent investigation into Trump’s ties to Russia.


Call 202-759-0035

Yesterday, Donald Trump abruptly fired FBI Director James Comey, who was leading the investigation into Trump’s ties to Russia. This move shocked the nation and further demonstrates Trump’s blatant disregard for the rule of law.

The firing came just hours before the public learned a grand jury issued subpoenas to former Trump administration officials as a part of the ongoing FBI inquiry into Trump officials’ ties to Russia.

This is nothing short of obstruction. Trump and his allies are engaged in the most brazen coverup since Watergate. The American people deserve the truth.

Call 202-759-0035 and tell your members of Congress: Demand an independent investigation into Trump’s ties to Russia.


Ivestigate Trump's ties to Russia

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The timing of Director Comey’s dismissal raises red flags.

Former Attorney General Sally Yates, former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, and now James Comey have all been fired while investigating the Trump administration. This is a pattern of Nixonian behavior that seeks to conceal the truth.

A president under suspicion for collaborating with Russian interference in our democracy has no business appointing an FBI Director. Until an independent investigation is established, whomever Trump taps to replace Comey must not be confirmed.

With James Comey gone and Attorney General Jeff Sessions compromised, it is up to Congress to demand an independent investigation. Dial 202-759-0035 and tell your members of Congress to launch this investigation immediately.

A fair, independent investigation is necessary to restore the American people’s faith in our democracy.

Thanks for speaking up,

Heather Hargreaves
Senior Vice President, Advocacy
NextGen Climate