Submit Your Nominations!
Measure P calls for a nine-member Parks, Recreation & Arts Commission to help the City provide transparency and accountability to voters while ensuring proper planning and budgeting over time.
Learn more about the Commission requirements, responsibilities, and submit your nominations by visiting
Measure P calls for a nine-member Parks, Recreation & Arts Commission to help the City provide transparency and accountability to voters while ensuring proper planning and budgeting over time.
Under the City of Fresno’s Charter, Commission members are to be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Commissioners must be registered to vote within the city limits of Fresno, not including county islands. No compensation is anticipated for service on the Commission, and Commissioners may not be paid officeholders or City employees. Appointments are to four-year terms.
The Fresno for Parks coalition which sponsored Measure P wants to help the City ensure that members reflect the cultural, demographic, and geographic diversity of the City of Fresno, with equitable representation by Commissioners residing in highest-need neighborhoods. Information collected in these nomination surveys will be shared with the Mayor and Council Members.
The Commission includes designated seats for members with demonstrated expertise in community parks and open space management; youth development or recreation programs; trails and San Joaquin River Parkway development and programming; and arts and culture programming.