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*** No candidate for U.S. Senate has been endorsed by the CDP ***

A new poll shows our campaign has a clear opening to win, and we’re setting a $10,000 goal before the end of quarter on June 30 to ensure it happens.

Chip in whatever you can afford >>

Our plan to win in November begins right now.

While Kevin is on the front lines of our current immigration fight, as finance director, I’m making sure that we have the resources we need to run the kind of general election campaign Californians deserve.

According to a new LA Times Dornsife poll, Senator Feinstein is only receiving 36% of likely voters’ support, even after spending $5 million in the primary. 

The California electorate is clearly questioning whether the status quo in Washington, D.C. works for them. They want to elect someone who will move policies in D.C. that benefit everyone, and Kevin’s message is clearly resonating.

That’s why I’m setting a goal for raising $10,000 before the end of quarter on June 30th — please chip in what you can afford to help us get there.

Our country’s current immigration debate crystalizes why we must send Kevin to the US Senate.

California must be at the heart of our national progressive movement, and it needs a Senator like Kevin — who has lived and breathed our values — to ensure it gets heard in Washington.

This end of quarter will shape the future of our campaign.

I hope I can count on you to chip in.


