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Dear Fresno,

With 6 weeks to go until Election Day, we have launched a new round of ads holding Devin Nunes accountable for living the high life on his donors’ dime — spending $40,000 on lavish five-star trips to Vegas and $15,000 for Boston Celtics tickets!

Please donate today so we can keep these ads running for the next six weeks. We’ve never been closer to unseating Devin Nunes than we are today but we can’t make it happen without your support.


While voters in CA-22 were begging the congressman to come back to Fresno to hold a town hall meeting, Nunes was off blowing special interest cash on fancy trips and limousine rides. Farmers are getting burned by a trade war with China, but Devin Nunes is spending his time everywhere but in the district.


When we launched Fight Back CA back in June 2017, we promised to hold House Republicans accountable for not representing the values and needs of their constituents. That’s what we’ve been doing for the past 126 days in Devin Nunes’ district, so we can flip CA-22 from red to blue and take back the House on November 6.


As Election Day approaches, we hope you will continue to support our fight to save our democracy, get rid of Trump’s primary enabler, and win back a Democratic majority in Congress.


With only six weeks to go, please contribute what you can today. We are in the final stretch and need you on our side.


Thank you for your support and keep fighting!

Hon. Ellen Tauscher
Fight Back CA

Paid for by Fight Back California,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.