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A new UN report out this week issued a dire warning: if we don’t take action soon to prevent global warming, we could reach catastrophic temperature levels as soon as 12 years from now.


But despite the urgency of the challenge we’re facing, President Trump is continuing to bury his head in the sand and roll back crucial efforts to stem climate change.


Not on our watch. I’m doing everything I can to defend California’s efforts to stop climate change and force the federal government to act. Are you with me?

Contribute $5 now to help me win in November and keep fighting climate change.

We’ve sued the EPA 12 times since I took office as Attorney General to defend our clean air and water laws and preserve the progress President Obama made on climate change.


When President Trump’s EPA rolled back Obama-era rules lowering carbon emissions from vehicles, we defended our clean car standards.


We forced the EPA to stop delaying a rule that prevents methane pollution. We successfully fought to keep high-polluting trucks off our roads.

And we’re not done fighting yet — not as long as I’m still in office. Pitch in $5 now to help me keeping fighting climate change.

Thank you,

