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Have you had a chance to complete our July issues survey? It’s really important that we have your input as we move into the next phase of the campaign.

Click here to take the survey!


— Team Kamala

Original Message from Kamala HQ, Ju‌ly 5, 20‌19

Kamala is back out on the campaign trail this weekend with a busy schedule: Iowa today, New Orleans tomorrow, and South Carolina on Sunday.

She’s speaking directly with voters about the issues that impact all of us.

It’s important to Kamala that she hears from you too as we move into the next phase of this race.

Will you take a few moments today to complete our July issues survey? Anything you can share with Kamala and our team will help us formulate our strategy in the coming weeks.

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with Kamala. Have a happy holiday weekend!

— Team Kamala

Kamala Harris is running a campaign made of the people, for the people, and by the people. Not a single dime comes from corporate PACs or federal lobbyists — just grassroots people like you.

It’s on us to seize our momentum and introduce Kamala to millions more undecided voters across the country. Power our campaign by adding a donation below:

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: