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Asif Mahmood

Dear Democrat,

I moved to the United States over twenty years ago with one goal in mind — to help others. It’s why I’ve spent my life fighting for Californians, whether it’s in my doctor’s office, in free clinics, or across my community.

My principles are the same now as they have always been — Californians need someone to fight to make sure that everyone is able to lead healthy and prosperous lives. We need someone who can crack down on abuses by predatory companies, and we need our leaders to stand up for our progressive values against the agenda of hate coming out of DC.

As Insurance Commissioner, I pledge that I will always put Californians first. That’s why I refuse to take a dime from pharmaceuticals or insurance companies. Because YOU are my constituents — not Big Pharma.

I know firsthand that the insurance system in this country is a nightmare for everyday people. In times of need, our insurance system should work on behalf of consumers — not nickel and dime them.

As Insurance Commissioner, I want to make sure that Californians are taken care of now and in the future.

If you think it’s time for our state’s leaders to stand up to Big Pharma, I hope you’ll join me in this race.

I want to hear from you. What keeps you up at night? What ideas do you have to fix the insurance industry in this state? How can I help you?

Email me. Tweet at me. I’m eager to hear from you!

Thanks for your hard work,

Dr. Asif Mahmood
Candidate for Insurance Commissioner