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tic diplomatic corps that looks more like the country it represents — and we can invest in diplomacy to make the world safer and more secure. But I can’t do it alone…

Warren for President

You know what world-class diplomats do?

Keep our country safe. Manage conflict. Help U.S. companies compete. Reflect our values on the world-stage. Help America take a meaningful leadership role in tackling the challenges of the 21st century.

But right now, American diplomacy isn’t valued like it should be.

Through a toxic combination of malice and neglect, Donald Trump has declared war on the State Department. The department has lost 60% of its career ambassadors and 20% of its most experienced civil servants. And even before Trump, years of hiring freezes and spending cuts caused many talented diplomats to head for the doors.

That’s why I’ve got a plan to rebuild the State Department. If you agree that we need to reaffirm our commitment to American diplomacy, add your name to join this fight today.

Here’s what we’ll do:

1. Grow a 21st century Foreign Service

Let’s be honest: our State Department is too small. Nearly 15% of Foreign Service positions abroad have been left unfilled for years, which increases workloads, damages diplomatic readiness, and contributes to burnout and low morale. Too few diplomats means missed opportunities to make important connections and develop a better understanding of foreign countries. The United States lacks a presence in nearly 40% of world cities with populations over 3 million, many in the rapidly growing Indo-Pacific region.

The Pentagon is nearly 40 times bigger than the State Department. This has real consequences for our presence abroad — when we refuse to invest in diplomatic solutions, our leaders often default to military action, instead of treating it like a last resort.

Our foreign policy should not be run out of the Pentagon. Under a Warren administration, it won’t be.

My plan will double the size of the Foreign Service and make sure that we have diplomatic posts in underserved areas around the globe.

I’ll also make sure that our Foreign Service reflects the America they serve. Today’s foreign service is 79% white and 65% male — and the nature of the recruitment process also limits the number of diplomats from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. That changes in a Warren administration. I’ll direct the State Department to correct the employment records of all employees fired or forced to resign in the past because of their sexual orientation — because everyone should be welcome to serve their country. I’ll dedicate recruitment resources to applicants from HBCUs and other minority-serving institutions, women’s colleges, and community colleges. And I’ll double the size of fellowships designed to recruit minority and low-income diplomats.

2. Professionalize our ambassadors and stop auctioning off American diplomacy to the highest bidder.

Trump has perfected the act of selling swanky diplomatic posts to rich donors. He may think a fat wallet and a big campaign check qualifies someone to represent our country abroad. I don’t.

Our State Department should not be for sale. I don’t spend my time at fancy closed-door fundraisers trading favors for money, and I’ll make my ambassadorial appointments based on only one thing: finding the most qualified person for the job.

That’s why I’m pledging to put America’s national interests ahead of campaign donations and end the corrupt practice of selling cushy diplomatic posts to wealthy donors — and I call on everyone running for President to do the same. I won’t give ambassadorial posts to wealthy donors or bundlers — period. And I’ll make sure that some of the most senior positions in the State Department, including at least one Deputy Secretary position and the Director General of the Foreign Service, are filled by experienced career ambassadors.

We can create a bold and energetic diplomatic corps that looks more like the country it represents — and we can invest in diplomacy to make the world safer and more secure. But I can’t do it alone — we need to fight side by side as a grassroots movement.

You’re an important part of this team, and I hope you’ll join me in this fight to rebuild the State Department. Add your name today if you support our plan.

Thanks for being a part of this,



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