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When the Trump administration refused to defend the Affordable Care Act against a lawsuit from Texas and other states with GOP Attorneys General, we stepped up to save the ACA in court.


I will not stand by as Republicans try to tear down the ACA’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions or who could end up bankrupt because they take an ailing child to the hospital — but my GOP opponent would not continue California’s leadership to save access to affordable health care.


As California Healthline reported, my opponent “opposes the individual mandate and wants less government regulation of health insurance.”



California has been the most successful state in the country in implementing the Affordable Care Act — and we stands to lose more than anyone else if the law is overturned.


More than 5 million Californians, along with millions more people across America, have health insurance because of the ACA. Now, we cannot let Republicans roll back the progress we’ve made.



Thank you,



Xavier Becerra -- California Attorney General

Becerra for Attorney General 2018
777 South Figueroa Street
Suite 4050 Los Angeles, CA 90017-5864