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Message from Jessica Morse


I went to bed Tuesday night filled to the brim with gratitude—for the incredible dedication of our team, for the community that built a grassroots campaign that soared, and for each of you who donated, canvassed, called, and worked to tell our neighbors that inspiration and solutions are more powerful than fear and division.

While we didn’t prevail at the polls, we built a foundation that strengthened our community and inspired the nation. From a campaign that started with just me and my clipboard, we built a common vision for leadership that can dissolve the poisonous partisanship threatening our nation and find solutions that endure for generations, not just political cycles.

The divisions in our nation are dangerous. But we are beginning the healing process. At a moment in history when our country is being shredded by fear, anger and partisanship, we rose up in a nearly impossible feat. And I am honored to be surrounded by community leaders, neighbors, and friends who dropped their lives and poured their hearts into a mission of clarity and healing, uniting neighbors and strengthening our community.

Let’s continue that work, together. Our nation is counting on us to continue to heal, stand up for what’s right, and invite our neighbors to join us as we work to steady our beloved country.

With gratitude,



Tuesday, November 20, 2018, 6pm – Friendsgiving Celebration


You’re invited to a Friendsgiving Celebration at the Democratic Party Headquarters,  starting at 6:00pm.   We’ll be celebrating our volunteers, enjoying dinner together, wine tasting, singing (optional) and presenting campaign mementos.  What are momentos?  … you’ll have to be there.

When:  Tuesday, Nov. 20th, 6:00pm
Where:  EDC Democratic Headquarters,4540 Post St., Suite 230, El Dorado Hills, Ca.
Who’s invited:  Everyone who volunteered, donated funds, persuaded friends to help, along with their spouses/significant others and any friend who’s helping to build the blue wave in El Dorado County.

Note:  This will be a potluck… so pull out those favorite recipes.  Email Lauren at if you’d like more information or to assist with this event.

Please click the NEW and Improved RSVP link ‘button’ below.


New RSVP Link – Friends-giving Celebration




EDC Democratic Party Headquarters, 4540 Post Street, Suite 230, El Dorado Hills

(staffed by volunteers!)

MONDAY – FRIDAY:  12:00 noon – 3:00pm
(check “Events” at for additional meetings and event dates and times)

Fred Winn Essay Contest – Please invite high school students to participate.




Copyright ©  2018 El Dorado County Democratic Central Committee
All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 1126
Diamond Springs, CA  95619

EDC Democratic Party Headquarters Address:
4540 Post Street, Ste. 230
El Dorado Hills, CA   95762
Facebook:  @edcdems
Twitter: @EDC_Democrats