Each day brings yet another outrageous action or statement from 1600 Pennsylvania. And each day Republicans on Capitol Hill either stand idly by, or worse yet, embrace the most regressive of the Trump Administration’s intentions and policies.
No one in Congress is more emblematic of Trumpism than the “Representative” from California’s 4th Congressional District, Tom McClintock (Republican from Elk Grove).
We made great inroads into McClintock’s base in 2018: His margin of victory dropped from 24.4% to 8.2%—the largest swing from red to blue in any Congressional District in America! And 2020 offers us the opportunity to erase the margin altogether, and to retire McClintock once and for all!
To date, two people have declared their candidacies to replace McClintock: Sean Frame and Brynne Kennedy have launched their campaigns and are actively traveling the district, meeting with residents, hearing their concerns. You can find out more about them on our website.
But we can’t wait to gear up for the 2020. In fact, Sierra Forward has already begun to ramp up its efforts:
- We have begun a McClintock Accountability Project (MAP), which is designed to inform our neighbors about McClintock’s continuing and abject failure to represent the interests of his constituents.
- We are also “pilot testing” what we are calling “20 for 20”, a program whereby active volunteers will reach out to a manageable number of neighbors, particularly Democrats who didn’t vote in 2018, or No Party Preference voters, or registered Greens, who might be persuaded to vote Democratic in 2020
And this is where you come in.
Last year, Jessica Morse’s campaign, Sierra Forward and other allied or sympathetic groups mobilized at least 3,000 volunteers who reached out to tens of thousands of voters—by going door-to-door, making phone calls, texting, and hosting scores of coffees and other events. We funded billboards on I-80 and U.S. 50, and we printed, addressed and mailed 60,000 postcards.
None of that would have been possible without the help and the financial contributions we received from people just like you. And, we need to do it again! Only this time, we have to do more, we have to reach and persuade even more of our friends and neighbors. To do that, we have to purchase voter files, conduct polling, print brochures and postcards, pay for postage and text messages. And that all takes money.
Please donate to Sierra Forward today (donations are now being taken through the familiar ActBlue system). Help us get rid of Tom McClintock once and for all.
Thank you!
Sierra Forward
Paid for by Sierra Forward (www.sierraforward.com) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Contributions are not tax deductible
FEC # C00647297 FPPC # 1397131
5429 Madison Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95841
United States