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Amy for America
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100 years ago today, Congress passed the 19th Amendment — which was ratified by the states in 1920 — stating that the right to vote should not be denied on the basis of sex. We’ve come a long way since then! But we still haven’t had a woman in the White House. 

When people ask me if Amy can break this barrier, I tell them that breaking barriers is what she does best.When she first ran for Senate, Minnesota had never elected a woman senator. She had less in the bank than her opponent. But she won that race and every race after that because of her grit, energy and commitment to getting things done. 

Now as Amy travels across the country, I see the enthusiasm for her candidacy grow every day. People are literally lining up out the door to hear her speak! And the polling shows her momentum grows with every person who hears her message. 

Will you make a donation to help Amy keep breaking down barriers?

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As Amy likes to say, “May the best woman win.”

— Julia


Amy’s running a homegrown campaign. She isn’t taking any contributions from corporate PACs or federal lobbyists so we’re relying on you. 

Donate today to join our grassroots movement.