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Dear Friend,


One year ago, I joined the thousands of you that marched across cities around the world to tell Donald Trump and his administration that women’s rights are human rights. And we did more than just survive this first year of the Trump era – we thrived. More women than ever decided to run for office (including me!). Women shook the landscape of every industry to say the time is up on workplace sexual harassment. On every day of 2017, Californians stood up and spoke out against the racism, misogyny and sexism of this administration and we are just getting started.

So, let’s do it again. Join me this Saturday, as we gather, in one collective voice, all across the country, to tell this administration that we will never back down. We will march for health care for all. We will march for equal pay. We will march for DREAMers to pursue their American dreams. We will march because American democracy is under threat.

I will be marching in Los Angeles and I hope you will join me. But, there are local marches planned all across the state and country, so please find yours here:

I am running to become the first woman elected as California’s Lt. Governor because in the words of our incredible former First Lady Michelle Obama, “There is no limit to what we as women can accomplish.”

See you this Saturday!
