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TJ Cox for Congress


Growing up, my mother wasn’t one for excuses. “Mug Trabajo Ka,” she would tell me in her native Tagalog.

Translation? “Get to work…kiddo.”

That ethic she instilled in me — of hard work and integrity — is a part of the reason I’m running for Congress today. Because from where I’m standing, Congress needs to get to work to fix the issues we face — on trade, water, and immigration. That’s not happening under David Valadao and the special interests guiding his agenda.

Can you take a minute to watch our new ad “Fix it” then chip in a donation to make sure we can get this ad in front of voters in the Central Valley?


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I’m sick and tired of Republican politicians — like David Valadao — who whine that Democrats are the reason they can’t get anything done in Congress. Michael, last I checked, they have control of the House, Senate, and the White House.

We don’t need excuses. We need someone who will actually stand up to Donald Trump and get to work for our communities. That’s what I plan to do in Congress.

Check out our new ad, then chip in a donation to make sure voters across our district see this >>

Thanks for your support,

TJ Cox
