James Loewen – “Lies My Teacher Told Me” to speak at FFCF/KFCF Annual Banquet
I’d like to personally invite you to the annual KFCF banquet on October 5th. Our guest speaker will be James W. Loewen, author of the best-selling book “Lies My Teacher Told Me.” It was first published in 1995 and has been republished twice in 2005 and 2018 due to its continuing popularity and need for us to reexamine what we think we know about our history. Author, educator, lecturer, James W. Loewen has published books but his gripping retelling of American history as it should, and could, be taught, Lies My Teacher Told Me, has sold more than 1,500,000 copies and continues to inspire K-16 teachers to get students to challenge, rather than memorize, their textbooks. He has been an expert witness in more than 50 civil rights, voting rights, and employment cases. His awards include the First Annual Spivack Award of the American Sociological Association for “sociological research applied to the field of intergroup relations,” the American Book Award (for Lies My Teacher Told Me), and the Oliver Cromwell Cox Award for Distinguished Anti-Racist Scholarship.
We are also celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Fresno Free College Foundation the springboard for KFCF. The evening is always an enjoyable mix of good friends, great auction items, fabulous food, and always, interesting speakers. And wine. Can’t forget the wine part! Plus if you would like to contribute something to the silent auction or raffle items, we’d welcome books, artwork, pottery, restaurant gift cards, anything!
The banquet will be at the Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church on the corner of Ventura and “M” Street in downtown Fresno. The food and service at our banquet last year was the best I’ve ever had at a banquet. You can be assured you will be served a fabulous meal. There is plenty of parking and security. A link is attached.
Tickets $65, and $75 at the door. You can go to the KFCF website and order tickets right now through the link. I hope you’ll join us at the banquet!
KFCF “Fall” Pledge Drive
While the first day of Autumn doesn’t happen until this weekend, KPFA/KFCF will be starting our Fall Pledge Drive on Tuesday, Sept. 18th and it will run until Friday, October 5, 2018.
If it’s time to renew your membership, KPFA will have some great premiums and you can call them at 1-800-439-5732, or you can support us with a direct contribution to KFCF at www.kfcf.org or calling the local pledge number during local shows.
KPFA is a few months behind on sending KFCF subscriptions information and payments as they have hired a news subscriptions manager, and they are still learning the system. .
Larry Bensky Fridays at 12 Noon
< ![if !vml]>< ![endif]> Veteran Broadcaster Larry Bensky with all aspects of the upcoming midterm elections – where the critical races are, who the compelling figures emerging across the country and what listeners should know about them. Bensky is an award winning journalist who has been General Manager of KPFA, hosted the Iran Contra Hearings, The September 11 Commission Hearing, and various conventions for Pacifica Radio.
< ![if !vml]>< ![endif]>Your Call: Media Roundtable Fridays at 5 PM
Host Rose Aguilar from KALW in San Francisco talks with reporters about this week’s news. Rose Aguilar has been the host of Your Call since 2006. She became a regular Friday media roundtable guest in 2001.
In 2005, Rose took a six-month road trip through the so-called ‘red states’ to find out why people vote the way they do (or not) and what issues they care about. Red Highways: A Journey into the Heartland chronicles her experience.
< ![if !vml]>< ![endif]>Rose has written for Al Jazeera English, Truthout, The Nation, and AlterNet. She’s currently working on a book about older women activists and a new radio show focusing on investigative journalism. She is a member of the Native American Journalists Association and mentor-editor for The OpEd Project, an organization that works to increase the range of voices we hear in the media.
Before joining KALW, Rose published a newsletter about women’s issues and was a reporter and weekend host for CNET Radio, where she covered technology’s impact on society. In college, she ran the TV and radio news departments and DJ’d a heavy metal show.
Rose’s interests include hiking, camping, vegan living, animal rights, live music, and spending as much time underwater as possible. She volunteers for Students Rising Above, an organization that supports first generation college bound high school students.
The FFCF Election for Board of Directors positions is underway. More information is at https://www.fresnofreecollegefoundation.org/elections.html
Thanks and now let’s make some great radio,
KFCF-Fresno Free College Foundation
PO Box 4364 – Fresno, CA 93744-4364
(559)233-2221 rwithers@kfcf.org
Rychard Withers – Executive Director
Fresno Free College Foundation / KFCF-FM
PO Box 4364 ● Fresno, CA 93744
Remember KFCF/The Fresno Free College Foundation in your will/estate. Include language such as the following in your estate planning: “I give and bequeath unto the Fresno Free College Foundation/KFCF, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, with its principal office in Fresno, California, the sum of $_______________ to be used to further the work of the foundation.” (If you do not wish to specify an amount, you may use a residuary bequest that is stated as a percentage of your estate.)
Another option is making KFCF/FFCF the beneficiary of your 401(k)or 403(b), IRA, Roth or Keogh retirement plan. The designee should be the “Fresno Free College Foundation”, Taxpayer-ID 23-7071044. KFCF/FFCF can get your pre-tax contributions TAX FREE.
For more information, contact the station at 559-233-2221.