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Democratic Association of Secretaries of State

This week, Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court has dominated the headlines — and rightly so. Kavanaugh would be a disaster for voting rights in America.

And DASS supporters like you have stepped up again to help our efforts to protect voting rights before the midterms. Today, we need your help to keep delivering our message across the country. Take a look at the top stories from this week and share with your friends.

Washington Post: Analysis: Civil rights organizations are worried about Brett Kavanaugh’s potential impact on racial issues

Mother Jones: Kavanaugh’s record doesn’t bode well for voting rights

Center for American Progress: Increasing voter participation in America

Brennan Center for Justice: Census Bureau ordered to turn over key info in citizenship question fight

HELP PROTECT VOTING RIGHTS: Become a 2018 Founding Member of our Protect The Vote Project and help us fight back against GOP voter suppression!