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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.



Content warning: this email contains references to sexual assault that some readers may find upsetting.

It was no surprise to us that Kamala Harris was right out of the gate to call for Brett Kavanaugh’s impeachment after new evidence that he lied to Congress about allegations of sexual misconduct.

Kamala was one of the first elected officials in the country to say that she believed Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and commended Dr. Blasey Ford’s courage when she shared her story with the entire nation during Kavanaugh’s Senate confirmation hearings.

When it became clear the Republicans had rigged it to be a sham investigation to ram their candidate through the process, Kamala walked out of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

From day one, Kamala has been a leader in the fight against Brett Kavanaugh’s illegitimate nomination to the Supreme Court and the Trump-McConnell right-wing takeover of our judicial system.

As president, Kamala will work to undo the damage the Republicans have done to our justice system.

Kamala is the toughest candidate to take on Donald Trump and prosecute the case against 4 more years of his administration. But she can’t win this alone. We have a critical mid-month fundraising deadline tonight at midnight, and we’re behind on our goals. Can you add a contribution of any amount to Kamala’s campaign?

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:



Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination is an insult to the pursuit of truth and justice and we have to do everything we can to impeach him.

Let’s elect a president like Kamala Harris who will nominate progressive judges with integrity, who stand up for our civil rights.

Thanks for taking action.

— Team Kamala