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Delaine Eastin for Governor 2018

I have spent years hoping that Delaine would lead our state as its governor. And today, on International Women’s Day no less, we are one step closer to this reality.

It’s official. Delaine filed her papers this afternoon and will be on the ballot as a candidate for governor of California.

I have wanted this for so long because I know Delaine is the best candidate to lead our state. Yes for our children, but really for the future of California. She has the courage, the vision and the heart to lead us forward.

Join me today in giving Delaine the financial boost she needs to build her name recognition across the state. As you and I know, when people see Delaine’s track record, and hear her vision for our future, they are with her.

With just three months until the June 5 election, every dollar counts. Become a monthly donor through June today.


Yesterday, Delaine spoke with Michael Krasny in San Francisco on KQED Forum. Listen here. As always she was clear, substantive, responsive, compassionate and powerful.

I’m asking you to please contribute today. If you are connected on ActBlue click below for an instant contribution:

Express Donate: $9.20

Express Donate: $29.20

Express Donate: $92

Express Donate: $292

Express Donate: $594

Or, donate another amount

Thank you for your support. Please reach out to me if you would like to get more involved. Delaine’s momentum is building daily.


Katherine Welch
Campaign Chair