It’s Molly, Cory’s 65,000th donor, and I’d like to tell you why I donated.
His personal commitment to ending gun violence encouraged me to donate. Throughout his campaign, he’s made sure issues like passing common-sense gun legislation, protecting a woman’s right to choose — including doing away with the Hyde Amendment — and ending the housing crisis in America are at the forefront of his campaign.
To me, it’s a no brainer: Cory should be on the debate stage.
And while we still have a long way until Iowa, you don’t have to be all in for Cory and only him. The most important thing is making sure we get to hear from as many diverse and differing voices as we can before making this important decision.
This election, we’ve seen a record number of candidates announce for the presidency (I can’t even keep track!), so it’s not easy picking a favorite. The debates are going to help determine which candidate’s message best aligns with our values — and Cory’s should be one of them.
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