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*** No candidate for Attorney General has been endorsed by the CDP ***


On June 5, voters will help determine who becomes the state’s next Attorney General, California’s top law enforcement official.

Democratic voters have two distinct choices. Dave Jones or Xavier Becerra.

  • Voters can choose the candidate whose campaign has been funded by oil, tobacco and insurance companies, or they can choose Dave Jones who refuses those contributions.
  • Voters can choose the candidate who supports the death penalty, or they can choose Dave Jones who opposes the death penalty and will fight for criminal justice reform for our state.
  • Voters can choose the candidate who has not practiced law 24 of the last 25 years, or they can choose Dave Jones who has saved consumers over $3 billion as California’s insurance commissioner.

The choice is clear. The best candidate for Attorney General is Dave Jones.

Watch our newest ad which explains the differences! And don’t forget to share this on social media and forward this email to at least five friends!

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Team Dave Jones


Dave Jones for Attorney General

“A Fighter, Not a Follower.”