The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.
I am grateful to Speaker Pelosi for opening an impeachment inquiry into President Trump.
I am grateful to Speaker Pelosi for opening an impeachment inquiry into President Trump. For more than two years, even as I was running for Senate in Texas, I have been clear that I support impeachment. We all must come to terms with what we face: a lawless president who has obstructed justice and undermined our democracy by inviting a foreign power to intervene in 2016, and who is doing it again in 2020. This is a defining moment for our country. I believe our nation will rise to it—but only if we stop worrying about polls and start doing what’s right. Many are concerned that impeachment will further tear this country apart. I believe the opposite—that this process can be what finally begins to unite this nation once again. Because before we are anything else, we are all Americans first. And if we believe no one is above the law, if we believe our democracy is worth defending—from enemies foreign and domestic—then we must impeach President Trump.
At this defining moment, history is calling on us to do the right thing, and it is on each and every one of us to save this democracy before it’s too late. Sincerely, Beto
Paid for by Beto for America This campaign is powered by grassroots supporters like you. To contribute via check, please address to Beto for America campaign, P.O. Box 3628 El Paso, TX 79923. |