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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.

We’ve just gotten word of some breaking news:

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is planning to sue California because we refuse to help the Trump administration’s racist attempts to tear apart honest, hardworking families.

Here’s my three word response: bring it on!

Here in California, we embrace our historic diversity, and we will do everything within our legal power to protect it.

So I’m asking you: please chip in to help me take this fight to the US Senate.

I wrote Senate Bill 54 — the California Values Act — to stop federal immigration officials from commandeering local authorities to carry out racist and inhumane deportations under President Trump.

I’m disgusted that Attorney General Sessions is dead-set on undoing our progress and tearing families apart instead of extending DACA.

So I’m calling him out. And based on the U.S. Justice Department’s track record in the courts, I like our odds of beating back this latest attack on our great state and its people.

I’m standing with millions of Californians who are fed up and unafraid to call out racism, white supremacy, and the fear mongering coming out of the White House.

Our great state and country have survived worse than Jeff Sessions, and together, we’ll fight back against his frivolous lawsuit and take America towards a brighter, more progressive future.

Please chip in whatever you can afford to keep this fight going.

In solidarity,
