These past five months, I was privileged to engage with and listen to California Democratic Party delegates discuss the future of our party. I spoke to you of my goal — that we broaden our connection with voters in every region of California. Whether building support to address the challenges Californians are facing each day or galvanizing voters to rally behind our endorsed candidates, I am ready to join you in this critical work. Together, we can defeat the recall and elect candidates at the state and local level who will provide the leadership and representation we all deserve.
I am honored to be elected as an incoming Vice Chair of the California Democratic Party. The sustained work so many of you are doing in your communities and in support of our party inspires me. It is elevating to be working with many first-time delegates who bring energy, vision, and purpose. I hear your call to drive change that is centered on equity and justice. I especially hope our work together will be transformative in the lives of many Californians who are struggling.
Our service as delegates to the California Democratic Party is about something much bigger than ourselves. It is about giving voice to every community in our state. And whether our voices are aligned or occasionally discordant, you have my commitment to ensure a culture of respect where inclusion and safety are paramount.
I am excited about our work together. Let it begin.