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Today I am proud to say that the DNC crushed June’s online fundraising goal — in fact, June was our best online fundraising month in nearly four years! Thanks to support from hundreds of thousands of Democrats this year, our party has raised more from grassroots donors through the first half of 2018 than we have in the first half of any year since 2014 — including last year, when Trump was inaugurated.

You may remember early 2017 as a time when millions of people around the country were taking action for the first time to resist the newly formed Trump administration. Pundits and skeptics had a lot of questions about whether grassroots Democrats would be able to keep up that level of enthusiasm — whether we’d become numb to the horrors of the Trump presidency, get discouraged, and stop fighting back. Well, this year’s grassroots fundraising numbers show that Democrats are not only matching that level of enthusiasm — we are exceeding it.

That’s something we should all be proud of. When I became chair of the DNC, it was clear we had a lot of work to do — our organization was in pretty bad shape. Our party needed to rebuild trust with the American people. We had to recommit to our mission of electing Democrats up and down the ballot, not just those at the top of the ticket. We knew that if we were truly going to turn things around, we needed to invest in grassroots organizing, mobilization, and a voter protection infrastructure to combat the GOP’s voter suppression playbook.

You’ve heard this before, but I’ll say it again: the new DNC is doing things differently. We’re providing unprecedented support to state parties because winning elections starts with investing at the local level. Plus, so far this election cycle, DNC supporters have contributed nearly $2 million directly to campaigns and organizations across the country!

I don’t know about you, but right now I am filled with unrelenting optimism for what’s to come this year. I see an energy among Democrats that I’ve never seen before — and I am so grateful that you are part of this team.

We have the chance to take back Congress, regain majorities in state legislatures, and elect Democrats up and down the ballot. We can transform our country and restore a sense of dignity to our politics — as long as we are willing to do it together.

Thank you for being such a critical part of the Democratic Party.

All my best,


Tom Perez
Democratic National Committee

P.S. One of the most encouraging details from our fundraising numbers is that our monthly sustainer base is up 40% this year! That means this surge of support isn’t a flash in the pan — it’s the Democratic grassroots making long-term investments in the future of our party. If you’re able, please consider making a monthly sustaining contribution to the Democratic Party today, Jeff. It will make such a huge difference headed down the stretch to Election Day.