Help send a strong message that you’re committed to giving every Democrat the resources they need to win from local office to the Oval Office.
The following message is a part of our 2020 Presidential Candidate Series. For more information, see below.
My life’s work has been around one big question: Why has the path to economic security gotten so steep and rocky — and even steeper and rockier for people of color?
It wasn’t an accident. The rich and powerful have rigged the rules in their favor. So we’re fighting to level the playing field for working people.
Now, I want to take that fight to the Oval Office — but first, we need to build a grassroots movement.
Our nominee is going to need a strong Democratic Party powered by the grassroots to win back the White House and then some.
No candidate can win this on their own, and that’s why we need a Democratic Party capable of investing in the infrastructure to spread our message, mobilize voters, and get out the vote. For that to happen, we need grassroots supporters like you to become a part of this movement.
That’s why I’m fired up about the DNC’s Democratic Unity Fund, which will combine the efforts of candidates, supporters, and the DNC so we can win this thing. So I have to ask:
Will you make a $10 contribution that will be split evenly between my campaign and the DNC’s Democratic Unity Fund today?
If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be split evenly between Elizabeth Warren’s campaign for president and the DNC.
Your gift today isn’t just a donation. It’s a strong message that you’re ready to build a grassroots movement strong enough to helpeveryDemocrat fight for a better future.
I’ve spent my career standing up to big banks and powerful special interests and fighting for big, structural change. When government works only for the wealthy and well-connected, that is corruption — plain and simple. It’s time to fight back.
But we can’t bring our fight to the White House without your help or without a strong DNC. This fight is our fight, so I need you to support the Democratic Unity Fund and my campaign today.
Our 2020 Presidential Candidate Series is just one way we’re working to help our supporters hear directly from the Democratic candidates for president.
Sending fundraising emails like this one is a component of our Democratic candidates’ agreement with the DNC to share access to the DNC’s database of voter records. As a part of our agreement, every candidate who signs on sends the same number of emails to the DNC’s list, with proceeds going to a combination of the DNC and the candidate’s campaign. If you’re wondering why you’re not hearing from your preferred candidate, we may have already sent emails on their behalf or have plans to do so in the future, or they may not have signed on yet.
The DNC is committed to running a fair and transparent primary. This organization is powered by you, and we’d love to hear your ideas. Just reply to this email to send any comments, criticisms, or feedback. Our community management team reads every message from supporters like you. Thanks for supporting our party!
Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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