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*** TJ Cox has been endorsed for CD-21 by the CDP ***

TJ Cox for Congress

Here’s a summary of what’s been going on in CA-21 over the last month:

FIRST: TJ Cox won his primary election and The New York Times called our race to unseat David Valadao one of the “top ten races to watch.”
THEN: National Republicans started to PANIC. So they sent Ivanka Trump to our district to headline a huge fundraiser for incumbents like David Valadao (seriously).
NOW: Our end-of-quarter FEC deadline is only two days away, but we are still $8,144 from hitting our grassroots fundraising target.

We need you. Can you pitch in to help us meet our end-of-quarter goal and fight back against the GOP’s frantic money drop in CA-21?

$10 >> $35 >> $50 >>
$100 >> $250 >> other >>

We don’t have Ivanka Trump in our corner, but we do have HUGE momentum coming out of the primary — and that scares Republicans.

We need to keep this up in order to defeat them in November, and we need your help.

Pitch in a donation to help us hit our goal so we don’t get overwhelmed by David Valadao’s big money backers >>

Thank you for your continued support,

TJ Cox for Congress
