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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.



Friend —
When I first announced the campaign and the New York Times said I was making a longer-than-long-shot bid for the White House, you know what I said?  Never tell me the odds.  Now, it’s the campaign that made the debate stage in less than 1 month.  Thank you all for getting us to this point.
But don’t get cocky, Yang Gang.  This campaign is not yet fully operational.  We need the resources to continue our momentum.  Please share the video message below, and donate $20 if you can.  Help us, Yang Gang. You’re our only hope.

A video thumbnail of Andrew Yang as a hologram, similar to a  certain movie set in a galaxy far, far away...

May the 4th be with you,
Andrew Yang's Signature
– Andrew
P.S. Han shot first, and Rest in Peace Chewie.




Can you make a donation today? 

Most of our donations come from people like you chipping in small amounts when they can. Your continued generosity helps us invest in people. 

Join the Yang Gang! 

If you’d like to volunteer to help with grassroots organizing, please fill out an organizer application here and someone from our team will reach out. 


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Paid for by Friends of Andrew Yang. 

All rights reserved. 
New York, NY 