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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.

Here’s my take on this.

We just reached a little over the halfway point in the President’s first 100 days, and all we’ve seen from day one his divisive rhetoric, empty promises, bad plans and no help for those that need it most.

The GOP and the President celebrated their first days in power by unveiling a fiscally and morally irresponsible healthcare plan to replace Obamacare. Don’t take my word for it, the independent and non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) delivered a scathing assessment of “Ryancare.”

The “highlights” of CBO’s analysis includes the astronomical figure of 24 million Americans losing their healthcare by 2026, premiums for seniors skyrocketing by 20-25 percent, out of pocket expenses exploding and just for good measure stripping Medicaid of $883 billion dollars.

Today the US Congress will vote on this disastrous piece of legislation, and it must be stopped! Join me in voicing my opposition to repealing Obamacare by signing the petition below.

Join me in telling Congress NO to repealing Obamacare!

This “plan” not only risks our economic viability but delivers an immoral blow to the most vulnerable members of our society, low-income families and seniors. The CBO said last week that a 64-year-old making $26,500 would have paid about $1,700 for an insurance policy under Obamacare, but under “Ryancare” that number would jump to about $14,600.

As Governor, I will fight against irresponsible national policies and implement fiscally accountable initiatives that reflect our common-sense California values and that champion our wonderful diversity.

Donate $250, $150 or $50 to join #TeamChiang right now!

Thank you for your support!


PS. Big news is happening all the time, so please follow Candidate for Governor, John Chiang on Twitter at @JohnChiangCA and on Facebook at John Chiang for Governor 2018.