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My mom had some idea of the challenges she’d face when she immigrated to the United States. But I doubt she expected to one day have a son who’d beg her to send him to school with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches so he could fit in.

I’m sure my siblings and I were a handful, but she always pushed us to do our best. Sometimes that meant watching me at “mathlete” competitions, or suggesting I consider going to medical school while I was already attending law school. But no matter which paths we chose, she always showed us love and support.

My mother’s sacrifices made me the man I am today. And so, I want to thank her for all that she did for me as a child, and all she continues to do for me everyday.

It’s amazing how much our mothers do for us, through all the struggles they face, yet we only have one day dedicated to them. So today, I want to say thank you to my mother and to all the moms who may be reading this.

Happy Mother’s Day,


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