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*** TJ Cox has been endorsed for CD-21 by the CDP ***

TJ Cox for Congress

We’re sounding the alarm:

David Valadao is quietly raking in MILLIONS in Super PAC and Republican Party support for his reelection efforts. Right now, we’re being outraised and outspent.

Here’s the truth: We CAN elect Democrat TJ Cox and turn the Central Valley blue. But the only way it’s going to happen is if grassroots Democrats from across California come together and withstand the flood of big money coming in to keep Valadao in office.

We need your support to reach 250 donors by Wednesday to fight back. Can you send a donation of any size to help us flip this seat and send TJ Cox to Congress?

Donations Needed: 250
Donations Received:
Suggested Contribution: $15 or more

If we want to hold Trump accountable, we NEED to oust his enablers in Congress NOW.

David Valadao has been nothing but a rubber stamp for Trump’s agenda — that’s why unseating him in 2018 is so crucial.

So please, chip in before our deadline so we can replace Valadao with Democrat TJ Cox >>

Thank you,

TJ Cox for Congress
