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*** Alex Padilla has been endorsed for Secretary of State by the CDP ***

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State 

You’ve been with me in my campaign for California Secretary of State and together, we’ve accomplished so much to protect California’s elections and voting rights. But to truly protect our democracy, we need to take our fight nationwide.

I am now Chair of the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS), the leading organization defending voting rights, and our role will be crucial to Democrats’ success in 2018.

Voting rights have been under nonstop attack since day one of the Trump administration. From racial and partisan gerrymandering to obstructive voter ID laws to Trump’s lies about voter fraud designed to undermine the democratic process, the threats against voting rights have been relentless.

Secretaries of State are our first line of defense, and DASS is committed to electing more Democrats to fight back, but we need your help.

We want to know what voting rights issue is most concerning to you ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. Take our one-question survey below to share your opinion:

What voting rights issue are you most concerned about?

Voter ID laws Gerrymandering Lies about voter fraud

Thanks in advance for joining our effort to protect voting rights and elect Democrats in November.

Alex Padilla
California Secretary of State
Chair, Democratic Association of Secretaries of State