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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.


Alex Padilla

We’re excited to announce U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein and the majority of the California Democratic Congressional delegation have endorsed Secretary Alex Padilla in his re-election campaign for California Secretary of State.

These members are our leaders in Congress who are fighting tirelessly for Californians. We’re humbled and thrilled with their endorsement of Secretary Padilla.

This announcement is huge! Join Senator Feinstein and these members of Congress in supporting Secretary Padilla by making a $3 contribution today.

Since 2015, Secretary Padilla has made remarkable strides in making it more convenient for eligible Californians to register and vote. He has aggressively promoted online voter registration, sponsored the New Motor Voter Act, sponsored the Voters Choice Act, and, this year, launched online pre-registration for 16- and 17-year-olds so that they can vote as soon as they turn 18. With Trump in office, we know that expanding voter rights isn’t always easy. But Secretary Padilla has been on the front lines defending the right to vote against attacks at the national level. And he was quick to say, “No” to the President’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity when they requested the personal information for all California voters.

We are so excited to have the support of Congressman Pete Aguilar, Congresswoman Nanette Barragan, Congresswoman Karen Bass, Congressman Ami Bera, Congresswoman Julia Brownley, Congressman Salud Carbajal, Congressman Tony Cardenas, Congresswoman Judy Chu, Congressman Lou Correa, Congressman Mark DeSaulnier, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Congressman Jared Huffman, Congressman Ro Khanna, Congressman Ted Lieu, Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren. Congressman Alan Lowenthal, Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard, Congressman Brad Sherman, Congressman Eric Swalwell, Congressman Mark Takano, Congressman Mike Thompson, and Congresswoman Norma Torres.

Secretary Padilla has always fought for Californians and we’re so grateful that California’s Congressional representatives are taking notice. But we need your help to build on this momentum and execute a winning campaign in 2018. Michael, can we count on you to make a $3 contribution to Secretary Padilla’s reelection campaign?

Thank you for your continued support.

Thank you,

Team Padilla