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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.

From time to time we send out a short survey. They usually only take a second to fill out, but the data we collect is extremely valuable in helping us chart out a path for the next phase of this campaign.

Beto for America


Since we just closed out the quarter, now is a great time to get your feedback. From time to time we send out a short survey. They usually only take a second to fill out, but the data we collect is extremely valuable in helping us chart out a path for the next phase of this campaign.

Can you take a moment to let us know how you’re feeling? Fill out our quick survey today. Here’s the first question:

How much attention are you paying to the 2020 presidential race?

( ) Great deal

( ) Fair amount

( ) Not very much

( ) None at all

( ) Unsure

Take the survey →

Thanks so much for giving us a bit of your time.

– Team Beto


Paid for by Beto for America

 This campaign is powered by grassroots supporters like you. To contribute via check, please address to Beto for America campaign, P.O. Box 3628 El Paso, TX 79923.