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Dedicated to Peace and Social Justice
1584 N. Van Ness Ave.
Fresno, CA. 93728
Hours: M – F, 11 AM to 3 PM
559-237-3223    (559-23PEACE)
FCNV AUGUST (& Late July)  2017 CALENDAR
Dear Friends of the Center:  See below our August calendar.  I’ve added the play  “Us and Them” on July 30 at the Fresno Soap Co. at 4:30 p.m. and would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is a fundraiser for our Center, kindly arranged by Cherylyn Smith.  There are other performances taking place so hope that you can get to see a performance one way or another – though of course, we would especially like you to come to the July 30th   fundraiser performance. There will also be a post-performance discussion with the playwright and director followed by a social hour with a live jazz band.  Refreshments will be made available.  Tickets are $20.00 at the door.   Angela
Sunday, July 30th at 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., the Fresno Soap Co., 1470 N. Van Ness Ave., Fresno  presents the play “Us and Them” by Deshad Cato about the ongoing problem of police use of inordinate force against people of color.  It mirrors the Black Lives Matter movement, but has no qualms about taking all the characters’ perspectives into consideration.  With all the news of repeated police killings, this play is revelatory and enlightening, as it examines the inner-workings of institutionalized racism and how it robs us of our essential humanity.   Ultimately, the audience is challenged to think, open up to experience, and change the status quo.   There will be a post-performance discussion with the playwright and director. This evening’s performance will be a fundraiser for the Fresno Center for Nonviolence.   Refreshments will be made available.    There will be a social hour with a live jazz band following the discussion, with refreshments and wine, sold by the glass. Tickets are $20.00 available at the door.  For more information call FCNV at 559-237-3223 Mon-Fri 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday, August 5 at 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N. Van Ness Ave. (SE corner McKinley and Van Ness) The Center will hold its monthly Board Meeting.  For more information call the Center at 559-237-3223  Mon-Fri  11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Sunday, August 6 at 7 p.m. at the United Japanese Christian Church, 136 N. Villa, Clovis, CA the film “Hibakusha:  Our Life to Live” will be shown.  It is about the atomic bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Through the eyes of two children, one Japanese and one American, it follows their separate paths from the propaganda and war games of WW II into the futuristic bombings of the two cities.  It is narrated by Phil Donahue.   Co-sponsors:  Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, United Japanese Christian Church of Clovis, Veterans for Peace, Fresno Center for Nonviolence, Peace Fresno, UU Church of Fresno, Reedley Peace Center.   It is free and open to the public.
Wednesday, August 9 at  3-3:30 p.m. on KFCF 88.1, The Fresno Center for Nonviolence monthly “Stir It Up” radio show will be hosted by Angela Price.  Her guest will be Douglas E. Noll, JD, MA who left a successful career as a lawyer to become a peacemaker. He is an award-winning author, teacher, trainer, highly experienced mediator, and co-founder of the Prison of Peace project. They will be discussing his latest book “DE-ESCALATE: HOW TO CALM AN ANGRY PERSON IN 90 SECONDS OR LESS”  This is being pre-recorded so no call-ins this month.   Call the Center at (559) 237-3223 Mon-Fri 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for more information.  For those who cannot listen at this time, we always record and publish a link to the radio show.
Friday, August 18 at 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Community United Church of Christ, 5550 N. Fresno Street, Fresno Report back by the Fresno caravanistas on their recent trip with Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba:  Gerry Bill, Leni Reeves, Jean Hays and Michael Ballen.  Please bring a dish to share.  The event is free and open to the public.   For more information call the Center for Nonviolence Mon-Fri 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 559-237-3223.