Kings Canyon Corridor
January 31, 2018 5:30 pm-7:00 pm
Sunnyside High School – Cafeteria
1019 S Peach Ave
Fresno, CA 93727
The BRT corridor is a large ‘L,’ from Blackstone and Nees (and over to
Fresno Street) through downtown, along Ventura and Kings Canyon to Clovis
Avenue. It will cost the same as other FAX routes but will have
10-15 minute headways (intervals) during the day, run to 6:30 am (!) on
weekdays and daylight hours (to 6:30 pm) on weekends. Vending machines are
located at each stop, which are approximately 1/2 mile apart along those
streets. Buses are new, streamlined and energy efficient. Same facilities
for bikes – rack in front for 3 bikes.
No doubt you’ve already noticed the ‘bulb outs’ along those streets so buses
needn’t move over to pick up passengers. Also, traffic lights will be set
(coordinated with on-board devices) so buses needn’t stop at them.
For me, it would be convenient for a few locations, though I usually bike
all across town on errands and shopping. I’m wondering, how to say politely,
if it will encourage people to get out of their friggin’
cars, once in a while, get some exercise and actually DO something about the
environment. May I remind the citizenry that anyone who registers a car is
paying an extra fee (a fine, actually) in this air district because we
cannot find the political will to really do something about cleaning up the
air, and we sit in a basin with a lot of ag dust. Never mind the penalty of
unhealthy air – got asthma?
Personally I’m also hoping it will be ok to continue to bike along
Blackstone, sharing the right lane with the frequent buses. There, I’ve had
my say.
Gene Richards
BRT = bus rapid transit, is scheduled to roll out February 17 and be free
for one week – they are encouraging folks to just come out to test the new
line. The last public introductory meeting: