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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.


Delaine Eastin for Governor 2018

Last night I joined our country in celebrating the news that Democrat Doug Jones won the race to be the next Senator from Alabama, replacing now Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III.

A lot of ink has been spilled on Republican candidate Roy Moore who was most recently described as the “most racist senate candidate since David Duke, except Duke didn’t have the backing of the Republican Party.”

Even with reports that the Republican candidate was also a pedophile, this race wasn’t a slam dunk. A majority of white men and women still voted for him.

Doug Jones won because of the overwhelming support of black voters and voters under 40.

One of these young voters was my grand niece Fallon, who voted for the first time, and texted her Auntie Delaine, “It does feel good to be on the right side of history.”

The country won because Doug Jones’ campaign invested in direct voter contact rather than slick tv ads. He won because Democratic voters turned out and Republican voters stayed home.

Alabama Republicans did everything they could to make it hard for Democratic voters, particularly black voters, to vote. This time, it wasn’t enough.

As I am fond of saying, when we stick together on the side of truth and justice, exercising our collective power, no one can break us apart.


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Delaine Eastin