The Black American Political Association of California (BAPAC) invites you to this year’s 41st Annual Statewide Roaring into the 2020 “Champion the Black Agenda” Convention from October 11th – 12th, 2019 at the University Square Hotel in Fresno, California. For the first time in Fresno’s history, BAPAC Fresno will be hosting the this year’s Statewide Convention. 2 days of Black Excellence will be on the agenda, complete with a Friday night social, informative workshops, and an evening Gala. BAPAC Fresno will be honoring the city’s most prominent Hall of Famers and Community Champions.
The impending 2020 election cycle, provides Californians and the rest of the country an opportunity to voice their opinions about the future of our nation. The agenda will reflect the necessity and importance of what is to come.
The convention format and conversation will focus on addressing the following topics intended to change outcomes for every community in California. Topics include but are not limited to:
• Community Organizing
• Economic Development
• Reducing Homelessness
• Reconnected with African American “Generationals”
• Affordable Healthcare and Wellness outcomes
• Home Ownership
• Advancing social justice initiatives and improving police and community relations in our city and throughout the State of California.
• Wealth building strategies {Savings and Investing}
• Voter registration & participation; CA’s Voter Choice Act {VCA}
Register Now!!!
Conference Fee: $100 per person {includes Gala}
Sponsorship opportunities available.