From: Daren Miller
Date: Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 11:51 AM
Subject: Fwd: CADEM AAC Meeting in Fresno
I am proud to announce that African American Democrats & Progressives in the Central Valley have a unique opportunity to begin the new year and new decade. The CADEM African American Caucus will host an informational meeting in Fresno on Saturday, January 11th. The meeting will be begin at 1:00 pm at Fresno County Dem HQ, 1033 U St, Fresno, 93721.
Chairwoman- Taisha Brown and Vice Chairwoman- Kendra Lewis will highlight the meeting sharing their vision for the Caucus and the role Fresno and Central Valley will play.
This meeting is open to all Democrats and Progressives that are interested in developing and implementing a Afro-Centric political agenda in the Central Valley that benefits all progressive minded citizens.
Please share this announcement widely and plan on joining us as African Americans in Fresno and the Central Valley work to “Turn the Vally Blue”.

BAPAC- Fresno
PO Box 11024
Fresno, CA 93771